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clean all viruses

Clean All Viruses: A Complete Guide on How to Keep Your Home Virus-Free

It shouldn’t take a global pandemic for people to realize the importance of keeping their homes clean.

However, in times like this, it reprioritizes the impact that a clean living environment can have on you and your entire family.

Perhaps you’re worried that there’s more you could be doing to kill viruses in your house. Maybe you haven’t cleaned it well enough in the past and are looking for tips to start curbing that habit.

Whatever the case might be, here are several tips to ensure you clean all viruses and keep your home as illness-free as possible. Consider all of these methods as you reapply your cleaning efforts.

1. Enforce the 20-Second Rule

If you were to ask most modern-day Americans how long they should aim to wash their hands, they might not be able to tell you.

Studies have shown that over 40-percent of Americans choose not to wash their hands almost every time they go to the bathroom.

One of the best things for your family is to inform your spouse and your children as much as possible about the dangers of not doing so. Also, install a 20-second rule in your house and make sure everyone is washing and lathering for the full length of it. That’s the amount of time that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends washing to kill most (if not all) the germs on your hands.

2. Find a Local Home Cleaning Service

All of the steps on this list are going to help you rid your home of viruses. However, with the current situation in the world, you might be hard-pressed to find certain resources that you need, such as disinfecting wipes.

For that reason, it’s well worth your investment to find a trustworthy home cleaning service that you can rely on. 

Be sure to write down a list of several different home cleaning companies in your area and interview each one that you like. The goal is to zero-in on a service that focuses on the details of each portion of their job.

Investing in a home cleaning service will give you access to all the resources you might not be able to find for yourself right now.

3. Allow Disinfectant to Do Its Job

It’s not easy to wipe down a surface with a wet substance and let it sit. The perfectionist inside of you might cringe at the sight.

However, your disinfectant solution needs between 10 to 12 minutes before it can kill all the germs that are on your table, island, sink, toilet, bathtub, etc. So if you dry it off before those 10 minutes are up, the surface won’t be entirely virus-free.

Also, before you apply the disinfectant, be sure to remove any visible dirt or dust that you spot. Removing the dirt before applying the disinfectant allows it to do its job more effectively.

Lastly, disinfectant wipes should be used more as a frequent touch-up tool, rather than your main source of disinfectant. For example, use the wipes to quickly wipe down areas of your house that are touched far more often such as door handles, toilet seats, chairs, or knobs. Use the disinfectant liquid for your floors, tables, etc.

4. Wash Dirty Laundry Effectively

There are many guidelines that you should be following when cleaning your dirty laundry to protect yourself and clean efficiently.

First and foremost, make sure to wear gloves while you handle the dirty laundry and place it in the washer. If you don’t have gloves, no worries, just make sure to wash your hands (for 20 seconds) immediately afterward.

Secondly, use the hottest possible settings on your washer and dry respectively. The hot temperature will kill more germs, thus ridding it of possible viruses. 

Lastly, make sure to effectively clean the surface of whatever you use to store your dirty laundry. If it’s a cloth bag, then you can simply wash it with the last load of dirty laundry. 

If it’s a basket of some kind, then be sure to disinfect the surface before placing it back in its normal location in your home.

5. Use Microfiber Cloth

If you don’t already have a microfiber cloth, then you’ll want to invest in one! As the name would imply, these cloths are composed of a finer fiber that allows them to pick up all the dust, dirt, and germs on a surface.

Lucky for the consumer (you), more and more companies are embedding microfiber technology into their cleaning products.

That means that if you’ve purchased a mop or gym towel recently, then it might have microfiber in it.

These cloths are especially helpful for wiping down what the CDC considers to be high-touch surfaces. 

You only need to apply a bit of soap and water to the microfiber rag, then wipe down your desired surface. These are especially helpful to use on electronic surfaces, such as your smartphone or laptop, without harming their display.

Microfiber cloths usually cost around $15 to $20 for a high-quality towel, and will quickly become your go-to cleaning towel.

Clean All Viruses With These Helpful Tips!

Now that you’ve seen several tips and tricks to clean all viruses in your house, it’s time to get to work!

Be sure to read this article about house cleaning vs deep cleaning. There you’ll learn more information on the advantages you’re missing out on without hiring a cleaning service.

For more inquiries, please feel free to fill out our form for an online quote and we’ll be happy to assist you further!

professional cleaner

5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Cleaner Before You Sell Your Home

If you are selling your home, one item on the “getting the house ready to sell checklist” is to clean the inside and outside from top to bottom. A clean house sells faster because there is a certain level of care a buyer expects to find when they tour a house on the market.

If you’re experiencing the stress and overwhelm of having to clean before you sell your home, here are 5 reasons why you should give yourself a break and hire a professional cleaner.

1. Professional Results

When hiring a cleaning service, you’ll get a professional deep clean that addresses every inch of your home. 

It’s easy to overlook certain details when you are cleaning a familiar space because you are so used to every area in your home. Professional cleaners come in with fresh eyes to see every stain, dust bunny, and dull surface that needs to be addressed. They also use professional tools, products, and equipment to deliver a higher level of quality than you can find in your local big-box store. 

2. Increased Home Value

If a potential buyer is viewing a home that the seller did not clean, it gives the buyer a negative impression about how the home is taken care of in general. A buyer may wonder if the larger issues have been addressed when the small issues, like cleaning, were not. 

Allowing your potential buyer to step into a professionally cleaned home is only going to increase their confidence and trust that the home has been properly cared for and is a safe space for them and their family.

3. Convenience

Cleaning an entire home by yourself, with the care and detail required for selling, is an overwhelming task. Hiring a cleaner is convenient, as you would simply get a quote, schedule the service, and enjoy your freshly-cleaned home shortly after. 

You’ll be able to check off an item on your long list of to-dos, all by making that initial phone call.  

4. Reduced Stress

Getting ready to sell your house can be an emotional and stressful process. The good and bad feelings you have from leaving your home added to the many things you have to do to sell your home can cause you to feel overwhelmed with stress and emotion.

Having a task you can delegate is great for reducing the stress you will experience during this process. It’s one less thing you have to do, which will free up time and space for other tasks. 

5. Customized Service

A benefit of hiring a cleaning company is you can request customized service. If your kitchen floors need extra attention and your bedrooms need a basic clean, you can customize your service to fit your needs by asking the right questions during the interview process. 

Hiring A Professional Cleaner: The Bottom Line

While cleaning is one of the most important things to do before putting a house on the market, it doesn’t mean you have to take on the stress of such a big task by yourself. Not only is hiring a professional cleaner easy and convenient, but you’ll also get results that will help you sell your house in no time.

Are you ready to schedule your cleaning? Contact us for a quote!

deep cleaning

Deep Cleaning vs Regular House Cleaning: What You’re Actually Missing

Wondering if you really need a deep cleaning for your home?

Before you decide, you’ll want to know the difference between a regular cleaning and a deep cleaning service. They cover different things within your home.

Most people can benefit from both types of cleaning depending on the situation.

Keep reading to understand what you get in a deep cleaning and why you should consider it for your home.

Regular Cleaning Basics

Regular cleaning from a cleaning service usually happens on a weekly basis. The goal is to keep up with basic cleaning tasks.

Typical tasks that happen during this service include:

  • Tidying up your spaces
  • Cleaning floors
  • Wiping surfaces in kitchens and bathrooms
  • Taking out the trash
  • General dusting

The frequency of regular cleaning is usually at least once per week. A regular cleaning service typically doesn’t take as long as a deep clean, so it generally costs less.

Deep Cleaning Basics

Deep cleaning goes further to get rid of dirt, grime, soap scum, and other gunk around your home. It’s a more thorough service than the standard cleaning.

You’re not just picking up the clutter and wiping down surfaces. You’re often sanitizing areas throughout the home. Sanitizing and disinfecting surfaces can help get rid of germs that can make your family sick.

Deep cleaning can make your home a healthier environment by getting rid of dirt, dust, and other junk. It also makes it look and smell fresh and clean.

Deep cleaning typically takes longer than a general cleaning service, especially if you schedule a deep cleaning for your entire home. It involves lots of detail work, which takes more effort.


During a regular cleaning service, your cleaner will clean and dust all surfaces. That includes things such as your shower, vanity, mirror, and toilet.

When you get a deep cleaning, your service goes deeper. This might include:

  • Scrubbing grout
  • Disinfecting wastebaskets
  • Removing soap scum and limescale from fixtures
  • Deep cleaning baseboards and door frames
  • Cleaning inside vanities and medicine cabinets
  • Disinfecting knobs
  • Cleaning around the toilet base
  • Deep cleaning shower doors, curtains, and crevices

The cleaning leaves your bathroom sparkling and sanitized. That’s a good thing since bathrooms germs often include things such as staph bacteria, athlete’s foot, gastrointestinal viruses, and viruses spread by contaminated food, such as E. coli and salmonella.


The kitchen is another place that can get quite dirty. Food splatters and grease can leave your appliances and cabinets filthy.

Your regular weekly cleaning likely includes tidying up your countertops, wiping down all visible surfaces, and cleaning the floor.

For a deep cleaning, the following things might be included:

  • Cleaning behind and under appliances
  • Cleaning inside appliances, including your oven, refrigerator, and microwave
  • Interior range hood and filter cleaning
  • Cabinet cleaning
  • Cleaning grout lines on countertops or backsplashes
  • Cleaning refrigerator coils
  • Cleaning and disinfecting small kitchen appliances
  • Cleaning and organizing inside cabinets and drawers
  • Disinfecting knobs and switches

The deep cleaning ensures all grease and food remnants get removed. When those things build up, they can be difficult to remove, so having a professional cleaning service handle it makes it easier on you.

General Spaces

Your cleaner also tidies up general spaces during a normal cleaning. This includes putting things where they belong, cleaning floors, and wiping down surfaces.

Deep cleaning services might include:

  • Cleaning under furniture
  • Wiping down ceiling fans and light fixtures
  • Vacuuming and cleaning upholstery
  • Cleaning blinds
  • Dusting individual decorations
  • Sanitizing trash cans and other surfaces
  • Dusting lamp shades
  • Cleaning baseboards, window frames, and door frames
  • Wiping vent covers
  • Cleaning inside window sills and window tracks
  • Scrubbing walls
  • Vacuuming along wall edges and other crevices
  • Polishing furniture

Once you get your general spaces cleaned, it’s easy to maintain them with regular weekly cleaning. Since those spaces don’t have water or food sources like the kitchen and bathroom, they don’t tend to get as gunky as quickly.

When to Get a Deep Cleaning

You don’t always need a deep cleaning. It’s typically an occasional service you get for a specific purpose.

You might schedule a deep clean when you move into a new home. This gives you a fresh start in your new home without worrying about the dirt and grime from the previous owners.

It’s also something you can do in your old home when you move out. That gives the new owners a clean start.

Some people start with a deep clean when they start using a service. You start out with your home being clean throughout. Then, when you start with regular cleanings, the cleaning service can maintain that level of cleanliness they create during the deep cleaning.

You might schedule a deep cleaning before a big party or event you plan to host at your home. If anyone looks closely at your baseboards or appliances, they won’t find any grease or gunk.

This service is also a good idea in the spring when you’re already spring cleaning your home. It gives your space an extra-clean feeling as you also declutter and simplify.

Benefits of a Cleaning Service

When you’re ready for a deep clean, using a cleaning service can make the job easier.

A professional cleaning service has the deep cleaning routine down. The cleaners know what needs to be cleaned and where the dirt and gunk typically hides. They have the cleaning supplies and tools needed to do the job correctly.

They also know how to clean different parts of your home safely. They know what works on baseboards or tiles, for example.

The cleaners handle heavy lifting, such as moving appliances to clean behind them. This can prevent you from getting injured during cleaning.

Hiring a service saves you time. It goes beyond the regular clean, so it naturally takes a lot longer. A service can get in quickly to do the job, leaving you with more free time.

It means you don’t have to do all of the tedious cleaning tasks that no one likes to do, such as scrubbing grout lines for hours or wiping down the individual slats on blinds.

Choose Your Type of Cleaning

When deciding between a regular and deep cleaning, it often comes down to your reasons. Deep cleanings tend to be occasional services, while regular cleaning might happen on a recurring basis.

No matter what type of cleaning you need, we have you covered. Get a quote today to get your home on its way to being clean.

11 Vital Housekeeping Interview Questions to Ask Before Hiring

Are you looking for a cleaning service to help you keep up with your household?

You have lots of choices, so how do you know which one to choose?

Doing a housekeeping interview helps you determine if a cleaning company has the services and qualifications you want. 

You’re trusting the cleaners to come into your home, so you want to do your research. Not only do you want to ensure your home gets clean, but you also want to know you can trust the people who enter your home.

If you have an interview scheduled with a cleaning service, ask these 11 questions to get the information you need.

1. What Credentials and Insurance Do You Have?

Research the background of the company before hiring them. Ensure they have plenty of experience.

Cleaning companies also need insurance to cover liability. This covers financial losses if damage happens in your home.

Ask if the company has workers’ compensation insurance if they have employees on staff. If a cleaner gets injured in your home, the workers’ compensation coverage pays for those injuries.

2. What Type of Cleaning Products Do You Use?

If the cleaning service provides the cleaning supplies, find out what type of products they use. You want a company that uses safe, quality products.

If you have a specific type of cleaner you want the service to use, ask if they’re willing to use the products you provide. 

3. Is It One Person or a Team?

Determine how many people will be in your home to clean. Some services might send a single person. Others have a team of cleaners.

The number of cleaners can affect the price. It can also affect the cleaning time. The company may charge more for two cleaners, but those two people can get the cleaning done much faster, so it could save money.

Find out if you can expect the same cleaners each time or if it could change. Many large cleaning services have a lot of people on staff, so you may not always see the same people in your home.

4. How Do You Vet Your Employees?


You’re letting strangers into your home, possibly when you’re not there. You want to know the cleaning service hires trustworthy employees.

Find out if the company uses employees or contractors. Companies have more control over employees and often use more rigorous criteria for hiring employees. Determine if they run background checks on the employees before hiring them.

It’s also a good idea to ask about the training process. This gives you confidence in the cleaners’ ability to perform the services well without damaging your property.

5. What’s Your Availability?

Quality cleaning services will have a lot of clients. Make sure the service has the availability to fit you into their schedule.

Determine how often you want the cleaning service to come to your home. This way you can compare your needs with the company’s availability.

Consider the time of day when the cleaning service is available. Make sure it’s compatible with your schedule and preferences.

6. What’s Your Payment Policy?

Understanding the pay structure and payment policy is important to avoid surprises.

Find out how the company charges for its services. Some might charge a flat fee while others might charge a per-hour rate. It can also vary depending on how many cleaners they send.

Understand when you’re expected to pay and what type of payment methods the service accepts. An independent house cleaner might not accept credit cards, for example.

7. What Services Are Included?

Cleaning companies usually have standard packages for cleaning. Ask about the packages and what’s included with standard cleaning services.

It helps to know what you’re looking for before the interview. If you know that you want beds made, bathrooms cleaned, and clutter picked up, you can ask if the company provides those services. 

8. Do You Offer Extra Services?

Sometimes you might want extra cleaning services. Perhaps you’re hosting a family holiday and you want your oven and refrigerator professionally cleaned. Or maybe you want the cleaning service to come after you host for a thorough cleanup. 

Think about the extra cleaning services you might want in the future. Determine if those services are available from the company. It’s easier to have one cleaning company handle all of your needs instead of hiring someone else for specialty cleaning.

9. What Happens If Something Gets Damaged?

Hiring a reputable company reduces the risk of damage, but accidents can happen. An employee might use the wrong type of cleaner on your marble, or they might knock over one of your belongings and break it.

Ask the company how they handle those situations. You want a company that’ll take responsibility for accidents if they happen.

10. What Happens If I Need to Cancel?

Things come up and sometimes you may need to change your cleaning schedule or cancel the service. Find out what happens if you need to cancel or want to end your service with the company.

Some companies require you to notify them a certain amount of time in advance. If the company charges a fee for cancellations, find out how much it is and when the fee applies.

11. Do You Have References?

Even if you don’t find any red flags during the interview, it’s a good idea to ask for references from current or former clients. This lets you get a different perspective instead of only relying on what the company wants you to hear.

If the cleaner doesn’t have references or doesn’t want to give you any, it could be a sign that you should stay away.

If you receive a list of references, give each one a call to see what they think of the company. Ask if there were any problems and how they were resolved. Determine if the person would hire the company again or would recommend them to someone else.

Conduct a Housekeeping Interview

A housekeeping interview is the best way to find a cleaning service that fits your needs. Doing your research helps you find a company that does the job well.

If you’re looking for a Memphis-area housekeeper, contact us to see if our services are a good fit for your needs.

How Often Should You Clean Your House? An Informative Guide

How Often Should You Clean Your House? An Informative Guide

Most of us prefer a clean and tidy living space. This is why more than half of Americans prefer cleaning every week. But is this enough?

How often should you clean your house? Our in-depth guide looks at every common chore and how frequently they need to be done.

Every Week

Most people devote at least a day a week to clean. If this sounds like you, you should know which areas of the home deserve the most attention.


If you don’t clean your microwave every week but use it frequently, it’s time to put the microwave on your regular cleaning list. The microwave accumulates a lot of bacteria — which can get into your food!

To clean your microwave, take a damp rag with a little bit of dish soap. Wipe down the inside and outside, including the doors. If your microwave has a detachable plate, take that out and hand wash it in the sink.

Bed Linens

You should never forget to add your bed sheets to your regular laundry rotation.

Your sheets harbor dead skin, dirt, and bacteria. If you don’t regularly change your sheets and pillowcases, ensure you put your linens in the laundry machine at least once a week.


Some parts of your bathroom are notorious because of their griminess. Take the toilet and the bathtub as prime examples — the average toilet has 34,000 units of bacteria and your bathtub has more than 1,000 bacteria units per square inch.

Fortunately, all you need is a bathroom cleaner or soap and give your toilet and tub a good scrub. There are also simple shower sprays you can spray in the tub daily to ensure you kill off that bacteria.

What about the counters and mirrors? If you’re cleaning the tub and toilet, you might as well clean these areas. Dust and bathroom products can build up on the counters and mirrors.

Take a damp rag with soap and wipe your counters. Spray your mirrors with glass cleaner and wipe them down with a paper towel.


If you don’t spend too much time at your desk, you can clean this area less. But if you’re sitting at your desk night and day, give it a good cleaning every week. Your desk is a breeding ground for bacteria, especially your computer.

Take an all-purpose cleaner and spray it all around your desk. Wipe it up with a rag. Pay special attention to your computer and any other object you use frequently.

Simple Dusting

Certain furniture items, such as tables, should be dusted every week. You can also do this task daily to prevent dust from building up.

Once A Month

Now that the basics are out of the way, there are some intricate tasks you should clean every month. Here’s a breakdown of these easily-ignored cleaning chores.

Intense Dusting

Dust doesn’t only build on your furniture. You’ll find dust under your couch, on windowsills, and even your doors. Dust these areas every month.


Your refrigerator holds bacteria and food particles. Fortunately, most people don’t have to clean out the fridge as often as they think. Devote a day a month to clean out everything in your fridge and give it a good clean.

For rather clean fridges, use a slightly damp cloth with a little bit of dish soap. For dirtier fridges, use white vinegar on a paper towel. Wipe down the entirety of the fridge, paying special attention to the drawers.

Light Fixtures

Did you know dirty light fixtures results in dim lights? All you need to do is take a dry cloth and give your lightbulbs a good wiping (don’t forget to turn off the light first).

Ceiling Fans

We tend to forget ceiling fans accumulate dirt and dust. And all of that dust is dispersed in the air! All you need is a specialized ceiling fan duster to get that pesky dust off of the fan blades.

Clean Walls

Keep in mind, you don’t need to wipe down every wall on a monthly basis. But certain walls, such as ones that touch your trash can, deserve a frequent cleaning. All you need is a damp cloth with soap.

Dust Air Vents

Your air vents accumulate more dust than you think. Take a duster and wipe off the dust. This prevents dust and dirt from flying into the air.

Clean Under Cushions

Have you looked under your cushions? You’ll be shocked by what you can find there! Take a day out of each month to lift up each cushion. Use a small vacuum to suck out any dirt and dust.

Clean Windows

Every month, take glass cleaner and clean the inside and outside of the windows — at the very least, clean the windows you can reach. You should also wipe down the windowsills and clean the blinds.


When was the last time you cleaned your oven or laundry machine? Don’t wait for spring cleaning to clean your appliances. You’ll want to pay special attention to the oven, garbage disposal, dishwasher, stovetop, and laundry machine.

Every Few Months

There are many odd tasks that homeowners only occasionally clean. Some homeowners don’t clean these areas at all. Here’s what you should clean every three or four months.


No, not your pillowcases. Your pillows. If you’re washing them in the washing machine, use hot water and a mild detergent. Some pillows should be washed by hand, such as memory foam pillows.

Dry your pillows by placing them in the dryer — always use a low heat setting. You can also choose to air dry them and place them in the dryer on the “fluff” setting.

Clean Your Carpet

Your carpet contains a lot of bacteria and vacuuming doesn’t kill that bacteria. Call a professional to clean your carpet once every few months — however, you can clean your carpet less if you don’t have children or pets.

How Often Should You Clean Your House? You May Need To Hire A Professional

How often should you clean your house? This depends on what needs to be cleaned. Certain tasks, such as dusting and washing your bed sheets, should be done weekly. But you don’t need to clean that carpet for a few months.

What if you don’t have the time to clean frequently? Don’t worry — you can call a professional to handle these essential cleaning duties. Get a quote today!

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