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cleaning tools

The Best Cleaning Tools to Keep Your Home in Tip-Top Shape

With the right tools, keeping a home looking tidy and at its best does not have to be a chore.

There are some essential household cleaning products that everyone should have in a well-stocked cleaning caddy that will make bathroom grime a thing of the past. 

Read on as we detail the best home cleaning tools every novice should own and how to use them.

Choosing the Best Home Cleaning Tools 

Before tackling your weekly (daily) household chores, you’ll want the basic tools on hand. But the best brushes for the job do not mean the most expensive. Or the ones with the most bells and whistles.

When shopping for home cleaning products, go for ergonomic. These are tools you’ll be using daily, so choose durability over the latest gadget that might handle only one job.


The vacuum is the workhorse among the essential cleaning tools to keep a home dirt-free. Look for a powerful vacuum that fits the size of your space. There’s no easier way to trap a week’s worth of dust build-up on the carpet and hardwood floors than with a vacuum.

With so many options and models, choose a vacuum that fits your lifestyle. If you own a pet, look for one with a pet hair attachment. Keep dust mites at bay pick a vacuum with an allergen filter.

Mop and Bucket

A mop and bucket is an important cleaning duo to have at the ready to clean up any spills.

If you have tile or wood flooring in high-traffic areas, you’ll want to pull out the mop and a bucket of warm sudsy water to get the dirt off the floors. Weekly cleaning will keep your floors looking pristine.

For expert cleaning tips, specialists at professional cleaning services can provide basic home cleaning services.

Broom and Dustpan 

Another essential cleaning tool is the broom and dustpan. The pair work together to clean up daily debris that collects on kitchen floors and entryways.

To accommodate cleaning at different heights, look for a broom with a telescoping handle. To dust ceiling fans or high corners, wrap a microfiber cloth around the brush end of the broom and use it to dust hard-to-reach areas.

All-purpose Brush 

A sturdy all-purpose cleaning brush is a must-have in the cleaning toolkit. Whether you’re using the brush to clean grout or bathroom tile, look for a heavy-duty brush with a solid grip handle. 

Microfiber Cloths

One of the most effective tools in cleaning up tiny dirt and dust particles is a set of microfiber cloths. The small fibers trap the dust and bacteria and lift them off mirrors and countertops.

It’s Time Clean With the Right Tools

A spotless home means having the most effective cleaning tools in your household cleaning toolkit. With an all-purpose brush, a powerful vacuum, a broom, and a mop, anyone can enjoy a sparkling living space.

If you’re interested in learning more about ways to keep your home clean, contact us for a personal housekeeping quote.

seasonal allergies

Can Regular Dusting Help Improve My Seasonal Allergies?

Twenty million Americans have some form of allergy to dust or dust mites. It can be a nuisance for many people and make them reach for their tissues and allergy medication constantly. Thus, dusting around your home is thought of as an easy solution.

If you have any questions about whether dusting your home regularly will help improve your seasonal allergies, this post is for you.

What Causes Allergies?

Our immune systems protect our bodies from foreign pathogens that could put your body in danger. Yet, doctors do not know the exact reason why the immune system triggers a response to a harmless substance. Allergies have many different triggers, and how harmful their effects are can vary from person to person. 

Some of the most common allergens that can affect humans are:

  • Insect stings
  • Mold
  • Plants

Seasonal allergies will give you watery, itchy eyes and runny noses, thanks to the pollen given off of plants inside and outside your home. Allergies can also be caused by the presence of animals in a room. In this case, pet dander and dust mite waste would be the main culprits. 

Is Dust Harmful?

Dust is made of small, dead skin cells, dust mite parts, and small debris to float around your home. Because it is so small, dust can be inhaled by an individual and enter the lungs. From there, it can trigger a reaction by the immune system.

While a small amount is not immediately harmful, having a significant amount in your home will cause health problems.

Tips for Preventing Dust and Dander Build-Up

Dust and other allergens can come into your home no matter what time of year it is. So how can you stop them from lingering before they affect you? Here are some tips to live by when you want to prevent dust and dander from entering your home:

  • Vacuum and dust around your home weekly
  • Begin taking allergy medications a few weeks before allergy season starts
  • If you have a pet, wash any upholstery they may have contact with
  • Buy an air purifier that filters out any allergens or pet dander within a room
  • Keep animals out of your bedroom
  • Make the temperature in your home between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit (20-22 degrees Celcius)

While cleaning your home during allergy season helps your immune system, you should clean your home regularly all year long.

Deep Clean Your Home to Prevent Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies can be hard to deal with, but there are some things we can do inside our homes to stop them from getting worse over time. If it is too overwhelming to deal with dust, pollen, or other allergens, then you should hire cleaning services that will go through the home and get rid of them for you.

As a female-owned business, Clean Sweep of America prides itself on our reputation for delivering quality cleaning services at competitive prices. If you need to hire a maid service or need other cleaning services in Memphis, Tennessee, or Mississippi, you can get a quote from us today.

post-construction cleaners

5 Reasons You Should Hire Post-Construction Cleaners

Hiring post-construction cleaners for any construction site cleanup job can save your company time and money.

Many companies go without professional construction cleanup at the expense of both safety and time. This means increased liability and lower quality work, which translates to more money spent than necessary.

In this article, we will explain the 5 reasons why you should hire post-construction cleaners for your job site. Continue reading to find out all the perks involved with proper construction site cleanup. 


Construction site cleanup is a surprisingly hazardous part of a job. From loose screws to harsh chemicals, there are all kinds of threats to the safety of you and your crew. This is why working with a professional cleanup company will ensure proper compliance with OSHA regulations.

Professional construction cleanup is essential for the safety of your clients as well. It’s a meticulous process that needs to be done correctly so no one gets hurt down the road. 

This is one of the reasons why working with post-construction cleaners is an essential part of any job. Safety matters, so hiring someone who knows how to clean up after a construction site can save you a lot of liability issues. 

Save Time

As we said, cleaning after construction is meticulous, which translates to time-consuming. This can be a problem for construction crews, especially if you have a fast-approaching deadline, as many crews do. 

Plus, working with a crew dedicated to the cleanup process will increase efficiency since that is their focus. This is in contrast to the construction crew that sees the cleanup process as an additional task, not the main task.

Save Money

With increased safety and efficiency comes savings. Post-construction cleaners are skilled at what they do. Their experience translates to a quick process that means less overtime pay for your construction crew.

Plus, you don’t have to pay for the costs of cleanup materials. The professional construction cleanup crew will have everything needed.

Don’t forget the monetary benefits involved with increased safety. When proper cleanup occurs, safety increases. This means fewer worker’s compensation claims and liability claims. 

Attention to Detail

Cleaning after construction takes time and attention to detail. The peace of mind involved with hiring post-construction cleaners comes from counting on quality work

Working with the right professionals means you can have this peace of mind. This comes from years of experience and a solid cleaning process.

Proper Disposal

One of the biggest hassles involved with construction site cleanup is the disposal of waste. It takes time to find where to take what kinds of materials for proper disposal. That’s because there are rules to follow and you can’t simply toss everything in the trash.

Professional construction cleanup crews know where to take materials for disposal, which saves you time, money, and stress. 

Get Your Post-Construction Cleaners

Working with post-construction cleaners provides a lot of benefits to you, your crew, and your company. You no longer have to stress over how to clean properly or where to take all the debris once you’re finished.

If you want to know where to hire post-construction cleaners, visit our website to get more information and to get your free quote today. 

construction cleaning

The Importance of Post Construction Cleaning

The   United States construction industry is expected to be worth a staggering $1,819.1 billion by 2024. If you’ve worked in the construction industry before, then you probably know how messy the whole affair can be.

Even a simple six-by-six-foot structure can leave a considerable mess once you finish the construction. This mess is not only an eyesore but is a health and environmental hazard.

Unfortunately, for most contractors and engineers, cleanliness is rarely an area of focus. Most are too busy focusing on the logistics, design, and financial aspects of the construction process.

However, meticulous post construction cleaning might be just what you need to get an edge over other construction companies. What’s more, you don’t even have to put your best men to task on the cleaning part. You can outsource to construction cleaning companies and let them do your bidding.  

In this piece, we’ll be delving into why post construction cleaning is paramount for any construction project.                                                                                    

Appropriate Debris Disposal

You can’t just toss drywall, wood, or concrete with your usual trash.  In most states, you‘ll have to separate construction debris from the rest of your trash. This can be very difficult if you have tons of construction debris littered everywhere.

Cleaning up after construction allows you to sort out construction waste for proper disposal. That way, you can separate the metal, bricks, and wood for appropriate disposal. You can even do the environment a solid by collecting all recyclable materials for recycling.

If you add a reputable cleaning company into the mix, you’re guaranteed professional work done within legal parameters. It also paints a good picture for your company and helps you sidestep hefty fines for improper waste disposal.

Enhanced Safety

Everyone knows how risky working on a construction site can be. That’s why most project managers emphasize the utmost safety throughout the entire process. You can’t have a safe working space when you have nails, exposed wires, and broken glass littered all over the site.

Construction debris can be an accident hazard to both the workers and site visitors. You should arrange for post construction cleaning to eliminate any safety risks brought about by the construction debris. A construction cleaning company makes sure it gets everything for ultimate safety on the site.

Saves a Lot of Time

Most construction projects have strict deadlines that the contractor must meet. Even if you complete the project in time, you can’t present the building to your client with debris all over. You’ll have to clean up the mess for your work to be presentable.

Of course, you can have the construction workers take care of the mess, but that’s not in their job description. Instead, you should hire a cleaning company for a diligent, quick, and efficient job. If you’re a contractor, you’ll be able to meet the deadline and move in on time if you’re building a new home.

To Uncover Hidden Messes

Imagine how embarrassing it would be to find a heap of waste hidden in the corner while showing off your new garage. While you may get rid of the obvious construction waste, you may miss a spot or two. That’s certainly something you don’t want in your shiny new house.

That’s why you should always opt for the professionals when it comes to post construction cleaning. Pro cleaners know where to uncover hidden dirt and dust to ensure the entire structure is spic and span. This is probably because of the experienced they’ve amassed cleaning various construction sites.

Construction Workers Can Focus on Their Real Job

Unless your construction workers are also professional cleaners, they’re likely to do an average cleaning job. Plus, cleaning after construction distracts them from their actual job.  This can be a huge inconvenience, especially if you run a busy construction company or have a tight construction deadline.

Hiring the pros frees up your workers to do what they are actually trained for. Doing so allows them to move on to the next project while the cleaners tidy up the place.

Tips for Hiring the Right Post Construction Cleaning Company

With so many cleaning companies on the internet today, it may be a tad difficult to find the right one for your project. Here are a few tips to help you pick the right post construction cleaning company.

Check the Reputation

The first thing you want to do is to check the reputation of the cleaning company in question. Make a point of checking company reviews online t know what you’re getting yourself into. If possible, check the company ratings on BBB or Bizrate.

You can never go wrong with a reputable cleaning company. However, make sure you explore all your options first.

Look for a Written Contract

The cleaning company should furnish you with a written contract that details the scope of work. The contract should also outline the cost and terms of service. Ensure you read the contract diligently to know whether hiring the cleaning company is a good idea.

If you find something unsettling after you read the contract, then you better find another company. Alternatively, you can always contact the company to find out whether they can change their terms of service.

Explore All Your Options

As mentioned earlier, it’s always a good idea to explore all your options before settling on a post construction cleaning company. The internet is the best place to find cleaning companies but recommendations from family and friends are also great.

Post Construction Cleaning Is Very Important

Cleaning after construction shouldn’t be an optional activity. That’s because it’s just as important as the setting out and any other construction activity. If you can’t do it on your own, you can always outsource the cleaning to a cleaning company.

However, make sure you get a competent and experienced cleaning company to do our bidding. If you need professional and expedient construction cleaning services, get a quote today, and we’ll sort you out.

restaurant cleaning service

6 Benefits of Hiring a Restaurant Cleaning Service in Memphis

Are you thinking about using a reputable service that specializes in cleaning Memphis restaurants? You may have concerns about keeping your restaurant clean throughout the year. 

A restaurant cleaning service comes in handy by helping you to obtain a positive business image.

Need more motivation to hire professionals? Keep reading to discover six reasons why you should contact a Memphis cleaning company. 

1. Saving Time

When you’re running a busy restaurant, you will not always have enough time to keep your place clean. Saving time is one of the greatest benefits you get from hiring a Memphis cleaning service.

Memphis cleaning professionals focus on providing quick and thorough service. They can clean your floors, bathrooms, baseboard, chairs, tables, and bar areas. You can opt for daily, weekly, or biweekly cleaning service to maintain a safe work environment.

2. They Save You Money

You don’t have to bother spending money to buy supplies to keep your restaurant clean. You save money by hiring a cleaning company.

Cleaning professionals will already have the right supplies on hand for each project. They also have an abundance of products in stock to manage specific cleaning tasks that you have.

3. Years of Experience

You might not have the skill to deal with certain cleaning projects on your own.

Cleaning experts possess vast expertise using the best restaurant cleaning equipment to keep your place spotless. They also know which cleaning products to use.

They have years of training and skills to use the right techniques to remove tough dirt and grime. They will also know how to clean hard-to-reach areas in your restaurant.

4. Equipment Preservation

You may have concerns about removing dirt and bacteria from your restaurant equipment. Your restaurant equipment lasts longer when you use a commercial cleaning company. 

This strategy helps you to maintain the efficiency of your equipment. This also prevents your machine from breaking down.

5. Business Reputation

An untidy or unclean restaurant has a negative impact on your business. Customers will be turned off from an unsanitary restaurant. You can lose a significant amount of customers if your restaurant is not always clean.

A cleaning service can help you to maintain a clean and healthy environment. This is appealing to customers and helps you to develop a good business reputation. 

6. Fewer Worries

You have fewer worries when you can rely on a good cleaning company. When you’re overwhelmed with dusting, sweeping, and cleaning, you can hire professionals.

You have the peace of mind that you can contact a service whenever you want to clean your restaurant.

When you’re too occupied, you can leave your cleaning tasks in the hands of professionals. This takes the pressure off your shoulders and makes it easier for you to operate your business.

Maintain Quality Hygiene by Hiring a Restaurant Cleaning Service

These are good benefits for you to consider using a Memphis restaurant cleaning service. You can rely on cleaning professionals that specialize in providing you with an efficient service that surpasses your needs.

Are you looking for an exceptional cleaning service for your restaurant? If you want to contact a reputable company, you can get a quote from us today.

office cleaning service

5 Signs Your Business Needs an Office Cleaning Service

Anytime you meet a new potential client, you take steps to make a good first impression. For example, you make an effort to dress in professional attire.

Your office space becomes part of your first impression for new and existing clients every time they visit. A clean, well-ordered office space gives the impression of a business that minds the details.

While rank-and-file employees bear some responsibility for keeping things clean, it’s not a key responsibility for most of them. Plus, many things can distract from those tasks. Keep reading for five signs you need an office cleaning service.

1. Employees Get Sick

Your employees will get sick occasionally. If there’s a cold or flu going around, there isn’t much you can do to prevent it.

If your employees get sick regularly, though, that can mean you need an office cleaning service. Even if your employees pitch in with cleaning, there are areas to clean that they might all avoid. No one enjoys cleaning a bathroom.

Bathrooms, countertops, and door handles can become havens for bacteria or viruses without regular cleaning.

2. Productivity Drop

Cluttered, dirty office spaces often sap productivity. Even if it only happens at a subconscious level, clutter and dirt distract employees. This distraction translates into a loss in productivity.

Plus, a dirtier environment can trigger allergies and increase the odds of illness. Both things that will also reduce overall productivity.

3. It’s No One’s Responsibility

Every company must deal with some level of turnover. The problem with turnover is that implicit responsibilities often don’t transfer over to new employees. While all of your original employees helped out with cleaning, a large portion of your current employees may see it as someone else’s duty.

If general cleaning isn’t part of your hiring discussion with all new employees, you likely need a cleaning service.

4. Business Picks Up

Maybe it’s your busy season, or your company is finally established, but business picks up. As the overall workload increases, people will focus more on core operations and less on secondary duties. You’ll need some help with cleaning while everyone keeps busy with the business side of things.

5. You’re Business is Growing

It’s normal for solopreneurs and small startup teams to assume multiple roles. That routinely includes taking on some responsibility for cleaning up.

As your business grows, though, people typically specialize more and more. As their jobs become more defined, they’ll think less and less about cleaning. That’s the point when you need an office cleaning budget and a cleaning service.

Do You Need an Office Cleaning Service?

While there no definitive checklist exists that can tell you if you need an office cleaning service, there are signs.

Persistent employee absenteeism or illness can serve as a warning that you need cleaning help. Business growth often requires that you bring in a cleaning service since employees must focus on their primary duties.

Of course, the general state of the office often proves the deciding factor.

Clean Sweep of America offers office cleaning services in the Memphis, TN area. If your office needs a professional cleaning touch, reach out and get a quote from us today.

The 3 Greatest Challenges of Cleaning a Restaurant

Keeping your restaurant clean is a must for keeping your customers happy and healthy. It’s also important to keep things as sanitary as possible to pass all of your health inspections and generate great customer reviews. 

Make sure you know all you can about cleaning a restaurant, and that you pay attention to the challenging areas that are often overlooked. Keep your restaurant a successful one by keeping it clean with these tips and tricks to cleaning tricker areas that need constant attention. 

1. Soda Fountains

Likely, your restaurant uses at least one or more soda fountain machines every day. The cleanliness of this area is of top priority whether you’re servers fill customer’s drinks or you have a self-serving station. This area can often be overlooked, but the nozzles can get gross very quickly. 

Because most sodas are made from sugary syrups, it can become a place for bacteria and other organisms to grow. It can also attract pests and bugs when syrup builds up. For this reason, cleaning your soda fountain station daily is a must. 

To clean your soda fountain nozzles, remove them using gloves. Use a brush or rag to clean off any sticky substances that are remaining. Use a chlorine-based sanitizer to clean these items, and soak them in the sanitizer for at least 3 minutes, then let them dry before replacing them. 

2. Menus 

Your menus are an essential part of the entire dining experience. Not only will dirty menus gross out your guests, but they are also incredibly unsanitary to hand out to tons of visitors throughout the day. Clean your menus between shits, allowing for daily sanitation to keep your staff and guests healthy. 

The cleaning methods for menus vary depending on the material type. If your menus are paper, recycle them after each use.

Consider laminating your menus or getting menu covers to cut down on waste while also having an easy to clean, reusable surface. Use a rag and sanitizer solution to wipe down your menus between uses.

3. High Chairs and Booster Seats 

Your little guests may have a harder time keeping their food on their plates. For this reason, it’s important to make sure your boosters and high chairs are cleaned between each use. Because these items can be made of different materials, it can be difficult to figure out the best cleaning solution for them. 

Sanitizer solutions work best for plastic chairs and seats, while diluted bleach or vinegar solutions work best for wood. Check with your high chair and booster manufacturers to learn about their suggested cleaning methods. 

Tips for Cleaning a Restaurant Effectively 

When it comes to cleaning a restaurant, it can be difficult to remember the areas that are easy to overlook. Yet, these areas are some of the most important to keep up with cleaning daily. Make sure you keep your guests and staff as healthy as possible by keeping up with all the best sanitary practices. Improve your customer base by paying attention to the cleanliness of your restaurant and hire a professional cleaning company to service your restaurant cleaning needs.

Are you looking for assistance with your restaurant cleaning? Contact us today for a quote on a restaurant cleaning service you can trust. 


how to set a formal dining table

How to Set a Formal Dining Table in Memphis

Does the thought of hosting a formal dinner make you break out in a nervous sweat?

Learning how to set a formal dining table is stressful, especially if you’re unsure of the proper order of forks, plates, and glasses. The good news is that you no longer have to worry about learning how to set a formal dining table for an event, as we’ve created this quick guide to help you get an understanding of the proper placement for all of your dinner dishes.

Keep reading to learn more!


Getting Started


To get started setting a formal dining table, you’ll want to together all of the supplies that you need. This includes:

  • A tablecloth
  •  Chargers
  •  Dinner plates
  •  Soup bowls
  •  Salad plates
  •  Bread plates
  •  Napkins
  •  Salad forks
  •  Dinner forks
  •  Knives
  •  Soup spoons
  • Butter knives
  • Dessert spoons
  • Water glasses
  •  Red wine glasses
  •  White wine glasses

 While this long list can tend to be extremely overwhelming, gathering all of your supplies before you start trying to set the table will make the entire process a lot easier.

Prepping the Table

Before stepping into getting plates placed on the table, you’ll want to lay an ironed tablecloth out on the table. Ironing at the table cloth before laying it on the table will make it much smoother and neater in appearance. After you lay the tablecloth down, be sure to set a charger at each seat.

Laying out Dishes

Once there has been a charger placed in each seat, there should be a soup bowl place in the center of each charger. To the top left of the charger, you will want to leave a bread plate. On the left side of the charger, lay a cloth napkin.

Positioning of Utensils

On the charger’s left side, you’ll first want to first place your salad fork on the outside of the charger. The dinner fork will be placed on the inside, closest to the charger.

To the charger’s right, you will want to place a knife right next to the charger. Be sure that the blade of the knife is facing inwards, towards the charger. After this, you’ll place your soup spoon next to the knife.

As an additional tip, you should be sure to have all of your flatware evenly spaced from each other. A good rule to keep in the back of your head is Too Faced each utensil half of an inch away from each other. Plus, the bottoms of the utensil should be aligned with the bottom of the charger.

Next, you want to place a butter knife horizontally, pointing inwards to the top of the bread plate. Above the charger, you want to lay down a dessert spoon with the handle of the dessert spoon facing to the right.


The glasses will be the last name placed on the table. Above the knife that you placed, put down the water glass. 3/4 of an inch away, you should place the water glass. Lastly, the red wine glass will go slightly above the white wine glass.

Understanding How to Set a Formal Dining Table 

We hope that this guide helped you to gather a better understanding of how to set a formal dining table. Creating a three-course meal for your friends and family to formally enjoy can be stressful, but thankfully setting the table will be a lot easier!

Do you need help getting your house prepared for a formal party that’s coming on? We’re here to help you get your home tidy for the event. Click here to learn about the services we offer. 

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